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Sometimes it is important to hear about how a child or adolescent is experiencing their parents' separation. In

this instance, we use a child-inclusive mediation.

If the children are younger than 4 years of age, or are otherwise not to be involved in the process, a childinformed

mediation is used. This process will inform decisions about the development of an age, and stage-appropriate

parenting plan or Order.



Child-Informed Mediation


Child Inclusive Practice is a mediation process where the voices of children from four years of age are included in the mediation process. The children themselves are not present at the mediation, and do not have the burden of being asked to be involved in adult decisions. Rather, they separately meet with a qualified Child Consultant who then attends the mediation on the children's behalf and reports back about how the child is experiencing their parents' separation. This process is particularly useful when separated parents cannot agree on what they believe to be in the best interest of their child or children.

Following this session, and with your child's permission, their views and feelings will be conveyed to the parents in a separate session. The child consultant will then make recommendations to the parents about how to proceed with parenting arrangements. The children are not involved in this session.

Child-Inclusive Mediation & Child-Informed Mediation

Sometimes it is important to hear about how a child or adolescent is experiencing their parents' separation.

In this instance, we use a child-inclusive mediation.

If the children are younger than 4 years of age, or are otherwise not to be involved in the process, a childinformed mediation is used. This process will inform decisions about the development of an age, and stage-appropriate parenting plan or Order

Dowload our Child-Inclusive & Child-Informed Brochure!


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